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【IGA】轉知科技部訊息:本部107年度「臺美奈米材料基礎科學研發共同合作研究計畫」構想書,因新增研究領域,受理時間延長至107年1月29日(星期一)前線上送出,逾期不予受理。Nanomaterials Research project Apply online.

發布日期 2017-12-21 12:53:00


一、本部106年10月23日科部自字第1060079897號函諒達。有關旨揭計畫構想書,原徵求截止日期為107年1月8日(星期一),及原徵求五項領域為「Novel multifunctional materials」、「Materials for quantum phenomenon」、「Materials for flexible energy systems」、「Materials for infrared sensing/imaging」、「Predictive functional materials」。

二、美方近期提出新增第六項領域「 Bio-inspired materials for sensing」,臺美雙方協商後,將申請日期共同延長至107年1月29日(星期一)。

三、承上,新增研究領域說明:「Bio-inspired materials for sensing」: Scientists and engineers have come to the conclusion that the natural world has the most efficient mechanisms for sensing. This topic covers two areas of interest:a. New sensing platforms that integrate novel recognition elements, either bio-inspired (beyond antibodies) or artificially made, to advance sensing capabilities for   biomarker monitoring in different biofluids.b. Also of interest is the discovery of new phenomena that can be utilized to characterize the affinity of new recognition elements in a high through-put fashion with preference for label-free   approaches.

